Multiplicative amplification in neural networks
Niels Bohr colloquium, Nordita, Stockholm
January 15 (2025)
Turbulent aerosols (virtual)
Workshop: Physics across the Atlantic
November 21 (2024)
The 2024 Nobel prize in physics
Guest lecture at the workshop
Swedish Research Links - Novel nano-structures for performance enhancement of low-cost solar cells
October 23 (2024)
The correlation hole in correlated random walks
Workshop Electron correlations and beyond - in memory of Peter Fulde
October 4 (2024)
Multiplicative amplication in deep neural networks
Lunch seminar of the CHAIR theme AI for Scientific Data Analysis
Chalmers/University of Gothenburg
October 2 (2024)
How do deep neural nets learn? A dynamical-systems approach
Lise-Meitner symposium Understanding complexity: network science and statistical physics
Chalmers/University of Gothenburg
September 27 (2024)
Inertia introduces strong orientation fluctuations of atmospheric particles
Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven Technical University
June 7 (2024)
Five lectures on machine learning with neural networks
EAISI workshop - Intensive course on neural networks
June 3 - 7 (2024)
Lagrangian coherent structures in the input of deep neural networks
SIAMUF workshop Machine learning and artificial intelligence in multiphase flows (virtual)
May 23 (2024)
Models for droplet evaporation in turbulence
Workshop Complex dynamics of particles in turbulence
IRPHE Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
May 14 (2024)
Lyapunov exponents for neural networks
Complex systems, statistical mechanics and machine learning crossover (in memory of Giovanni Paladin)
Les Houches, France
March 26 (2024)
Lagrangian supersaturation fluctuations at the cloud edge
5th Workshop on cloud turbulence
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
March 14 (2024)
Turbulent aerosols (virtual)
Swedish-Ukrainian on-line seminar in Theoretical Physics
February 6 (2024)
Seven lectures on machine learning with neural networks
Max Planck school Matter to Life, Göttingen, Germany
January 11, 12, 18, and 19 (2024)
Inertial angular dynamics of non-spherical atmospheric particles
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (Washington, USA)
November 21 (2023)
Lagrangian supersaturation fluctuations near the cloud edge
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (Washington, USA)
November 20 (2023)
Turbulent aerosols
Department of Physics, Wesleyan University, USA
November 17 (2023)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
Nordita workshop: Hydrodynamics at all scales
September 11 (2023)
Machine Learning with Neural Networks
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation Göttingen (Germany)
June 29 (2023)
Machine Learning with Neural Networks
Division of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Lund University
May 31 (2023)
Orientational dynamics of atmospheric particles
Nordita workshop: FLOW physics for the climate
Nordita, Stockholm
May 22 (2023)
Inertial torque on a squirmer (virtual)
EGU General Assembly 2023 - Session Turbulence, wave-currents interactions and other nonlinear physical processes in lakes and oceans
April 25 (2023)
Inertial torque on a squirmer
in session Steerable Particles: New Ways to Manipulate Fluid-Mediated Forces
March Meeting of the American Physical Society
Las Vegas (USA)
March 9 (2023)
Role of particle inertia for the angular dynamics of non-spherical particles in turbulence
Meeting Complex Particles in Turbulent Flows
INRIA, Sofia Antipolis (France)
February 28 (2023)
Droplet evaporation at the cloud edge
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation Göttingen (Germany)
February 21 (2023)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
Nordita Virtual Condensed-Matter Seminar
February 17 (2023)
Bifurcations in droplet collisions
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (Indianapolis, USA)
November 21 (2022)
Collisions of micron-sized water droplets in air
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, USA
November 18 (2022)
Caustics in turbulent aerosols
DPG Frühjahrstagung Regensburg, Germany
September 6 (2022)
Tutorial Diffusion approximations for particles in turbulence
DPG Frühjahrstagung Regensburg, Germany
September 4 (2022)
Caustics in turbulent aerosols
IMFT Toulouse, France
September 1 (2022)
Key parameters for droplet evaporation and mixing at the cloud edge
Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm
June 9 (2022)
Interactions in droplet collisions
SIAMUF seminar, Gothenburg
May 25 (2022)
Navigation of microswimmers in steady flow: the importance of symmetries (virtual)
EGU General Assembly 2022 - Session NP6.2 Plankton
May 24 (2022)
Turbulent aerosols
General Physics Colloquium, Gothenburg
May 19 (2022)
Interactions in droplet collisions (virtual)
Workshop Complex Lagrangian Problems of Particles in Flows
International Centre for the Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore
March 15 (2022)
Collisions of micron-sized, charged water droplets in still air
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (virtual)
November 22 (2021)
Machine learning for active matter
ITN school Initial Training on Theoretical Methods for Active Matter (virtual)
September 23 (2021)
Machine learning for active matter
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
in minisymposion MS33 Swarm Dynamics - Reaching beyond Nature to Engineered Collective Motion (virtual)
May 23 (2021)
Collisions of charged, micron-sized droplets settling in still air
SIAMUF (Swedish Industrial Association for Multiphase Flows) Seminar (virtual)
May 20 (2021)
Angular dynamics of an ice crystal settling in a turbulent cloud
11th Nordic Workshop on Statistical Physics, Stockholm (virtual)
April 16 (2021)
Machine learning with neural networks
Physics colloquium, Wesleyan University (virtual)
April 1 (2021)
Effect of fluid inertia on a small particle settling in turbulence
BICTAM-CISM symposion on dispersed multiphase flows: from measuring to modeling, Beijing, China (virtual)
March 4 (2021)
Machine learning with neural networks
Mathematical physics seminar, University of Helsinki (virtual)
February 10 (2021)
Effect of particle inertia on the alignment of small ice crystals in turbulent clouds
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (virtual)
November 22 (2020)
Neural networks and deep learning
Expert excellence programme, Chalmers professional education, Stockholm
October 21 (2020)
Introduction to neural networks
Three lectures at the STIMULATE school Machine and reinforcement learning, rare events, and tensor networks, Rome (virtual)
September 14-16 (2020)
Effect of fluid inertia on the orientation of a small spheroid settling in a turbulent flow
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (Seattle)
November 23 (2019)
Settling of non-spherical particles in a turbulent flow
Seminar 20 years SIAMUF, Chalmerska huset, Gothenburg
October 9 (2019)
Settling of non-spherical particles in a turbulent flow
Workshop Crossed pathways in turbulence, Lyon, France
September 7 (2019)
Uncertainty detection with ensembles of neural networks
Workshop AI for health and healthy AI, Chalmers, Gothenburg
August 30 (2019)
Settling of non-spherical particles in a turbulent flow
IRPHE, University of Aix Marseille, France
July 9 (2019)
Six lectures on Statistical models for particles in turbulence
3rd summer school on small-scale turbulence in clouds
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Selforganisation, Göttingen (Germany)
June 27 and 28 (2019)
Settling of non-spherical particles in a turbulent flow
International symposion From pattern formation to turbulence
Kloster Banz (Germany)
June 18 (2019)
Settling of non-spherical particles in a turbulent flow
Institute of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University (Beijing)
June 12 (2019)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, Utah, USA
May 19 (2019)
Fractal catastrophes
9th Nordic Workshop on Statistical Physics, Stockholm
March 20 (2019)
Dynamics of particles in turbulence
Physics department, University of Sheffield
March 13 (2019)
Distribution of label spacings for genome mapping in nanochannels
APS March Meeting, Boston
March 7 (2019)
Non-spherical particles in turbulence
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)
January 20 (2019)
Turbulent aerosols
Institute of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University (Beijing)
January 16 (2019)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics (Atlanta)
November 18 (2018)
Settling of non-spherical particles in turbulence
SIAMUF (Swedish Industrial Association for Multiphase Flows) Stockholm
October 1 (2018)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
EFMC12 Vienna, Austria
September 12 (2018)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
IUSTI, University of Aix Marseille, France
July 9 (2018)
Preferential sampling and small-scale clustering of microswimmers in turbulence
IUTAM symposion on Motile Cells in Complex Environments, Udine, Italy
May 16 (2018)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
9th Nordic Workshop on Statistical Physics, Stockholm
March 21 (2018)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
APS March Meeting, Los Angeles
March 7 (2018)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
Conference Flowing Matter, Lissabon
Feb 9 (2018)
One-parameter theory for DNA extension in a nanochannel
Statistics and Biomathematics Seminar, Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers
January 18 (2018)
Orientation patterns of non-spherical particles in turbulence
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics
November 21 (2017)
Passive directors in turbulence
SIAMUF (Swedish Industrial Association for Multiphase Flows) Luleå
October 4 (2017)
Three lectures on Statistical Models for Heavy Particles in Turbulence
Course Flowing Matter at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine
September 25 to September 29 (2017)
One-parameter theory for DNA extension in a nanochannel
Conference Physics across the Baltic sea, Gdansk, Poland
September 4 (2017)
Passive directors in turbulence
European turbulence conference 16, Stockholm, Sweden
August 24 (2017)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
Conference Climate fluctuations and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics: an interdisciplinary dialogue
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
July 21 (2017)
One-parameter theory for the extension of DNA in nanochannels
University of Aix Marseille, France
July 11 (2017)
One-parameter theory for the extension of DNA in nanochannels
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France
June 16 (2017)
Angular dynamics of crystals settling in turbulence
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, Utah, USA
May 23 (2017)
One-parameter theory for DNA extension in nanochannels
Symposion Nanoconfined DNA
University of Gothenburg
May 17 (2017)
One-parameter theory for DNA extension in nanochannels
8th Nordic workshop on Statistical Physics
Nordita, Stockholm
March 8 (2017)
Angular dynamics of a small particle in turbulence
Conference Flowing Matter 2017, University of Porto
January 26 (2017)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
January 12 (2017)
Confined polymers in the extended de Gennes regime
School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
January 11 (2017)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University
January 9 (2017)
Particles settling in turbulence
Seminar at JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
October 3 (2016)
Particles settling in turbulence
11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference Sevilla
Minisymposion Fluid mechanics of clouds
September 14 (2016)
Rotation of small particles in turbulence
Conference Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence
University La Sapienza, Rome
September 9 (2016)
Turbulent aerosols
IUSTI, University of Aix Marseille, France
July 5 (2016)
Rotation of a neutrally buoyant spheroid in a simple shear at small Reynolds number
ICMF Florence
May 25 (2016)
Rotation of a small particle in turbulence
Cloud physics on the Zugspitze
April 20 (2016)
The effect of particle and fluid inertia on the dynamics of particles in flows
7th Nordic workshop on Statistical Physics
Nordita, Stockholm
March 18 (2016)
Confined polymers in the extended de Gennes regime
APS March meeting, Baltimore
March 15 (2016)
Dynamics of gyrotactic microswimmers in turbulence
Workshop Lagrangian transport: from complex flows to complex fluids Lecce
March 9 (2016)
Inertial dynamics of particles in flows
Turbulence seminar, Imperial College London (UK)
February 11 (2016)
Angular dynamics of a spheroid in shear at small Reynolds numbers
Conference Flowing matter 2016, Porto
January 13 (2016)
Extension of nano-confined DNA: comparison between experiment and theory
SIAMUF seminar Gothenburg
December 16 (2015)
Inertial dynamics of particles in flows
Seminar, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University
November 16 (2015)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
General physics colloquium, Chalmers/GU
October 29 (2015)
Conformations of nano-confined DNA
EPSRC Symposion on fluctuation-driven phenomena and large deviations, Warwick, UK
September 25 (2015)
Statistical models for turbulent aerosols
European Turbulence Conference ETC15 in Delft, The Netherlands
August 28 (2015)
Effect of weak fluid inertia on Jeffery orbits
Conference Anisotropic particles in turbulence, Trondheim, Norway
June 11 (2015)
Effect of weak fluid inertia on Jeffery orbits
Talk at Nordita, Stockholm
June 6 (2015)
The effect of particle and fluid inertia on the dynamics of particles in flows
Conference of the Swedish Industrial Association for Multiphase Flows
May 28 (2015)
The effect of particle and fluid inertia on the dynamics of particles in flows
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, Utah, USA
May 8 (2015)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions of heavy particles in turbulent flows
Seminar at the Institute Mécanique des fluides, Toulouse
April 29 (2015)
Effect of fluid inertia on the rotation of a spheroid in a simple shear
Conference Flowing matter across the Scales, Rome, Italy
March 25 (2015)
A model for clustering of active particles in turbulent flows
6th Nordic Workshop on Statistical Physics
NORDITA, Stockholm
February 25 (2015)
A model for clustering of active particles in turbulent flows
Flowing Matter 2014
Lissabon, Portugal
December 16 (2014)
Statistical Models for the dynamics of heavy particles in turbulence
Conference Particle growth in turbulence
NORDITA (Stockholm)
November 7 (2014)
Metapopulation dynamics
Fluctuations in Population Biology, Epidemiology and Evolution
Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
August 14 (2014)
Clustering of particles falling in a turbulent flow
ASME 4th joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting
Chicago (USA)
August 7 (2014)
Tumbling of small non-spherical particles in shear flows
ASME 4th joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting
Chicago (USA)
August 6 (2014)
Metapopulation dynamics
CeMEB 11th assembly, Strömstad, Sweden
April 9 (2014)
Metapopulation dynamics
Symposion Stochastic Dynamics of Growth Processes in Biological and Social Systems
Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Dresden
April 3 (2014)
Spatial clustering of particles falling in a turbulent flow
Conference 5th Nordic Workshop on Statistical Physics
Nordita, Stockholm
March 26 (2014)
Spatial clustering of particles falling in a turbulent flow
Conference Of rainfall and marine snow: how small-scale physical interactions have large-scale consequences
Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
March 18 (2014)
Statistical models for inertial-particle dynamics in turbulent flows
Annual meeting Linné Flow Centre, Stockholm
Stora Brännbo, Sigtuna
January 10 (2014)
Metapopulation dynamics: the emergence of the rescue effect
5th Swedish MathBio Meeting, Stockholm University
December 6 (2013)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Seminar
Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg
October 29 (2013)
Tumbling of axisymmetric particles in random, turbulent, and channel shear flows
Workshop Transport of Particles in Turbulent Flows: Experimental, Computational, and Theoretical Investigations
International Center for Theoretical Sciences of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR) in Bangalore, India
October 18 (2013)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent flows
Cornell Fluid Dynamics Seminar
Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
October 1 (2013)
Tumbling in steady shear flows, random, and turbulent flows
ETC14 - European Turbulence Conference
Lyon, France
September 2 (2013)
Tumbling rates in turbulent and random flows
Particles in Turbulence 2013
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
July 3 (2013)
Caustics in turbulent aerosols
Seminar and discussion
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Heidelberg
June 26 (2013)
Two lectures on dynamics of particles in random flows
COST/ERCOFTAC Training School on non-spherical particles and aggregates in fluid flows
Udine, Italy
June 20 (2013)
Metapopulation dynamics on the brink of extinction
Dynamics Days Europe 2013
Madrid, Spain
June 6 (2013)
Tumbling rates in turbulent and random flows
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, USA
May 22 (2013)
Relative velocities in turbulent aerosols
Workshop Ice and Planet Formation
Lund Observatory, Lund, Sweden
May 16 (2013)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
Physics colloquium, University of Duisburg-Essen
April 24 (2013)
Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
Bakom stängda dörrar, Department of Applied Physics, Chalmers
April 17 (2013)
Metapopulations on the brink of extinction
Department of Physics, University of Marburg
April 15 (2013)
Tumbling rates in turbulent and random flows
Conference Open Statistical Physics, Open University, Milton Keynes
March 27 (2013)
Tumbling rates in turbulent and random flows
Workshop Statistical Physics: Biological, Complex and Non-equilibrium systems, NORDITA, Stockholm
March 22 (2013)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions of inertial particles in turbulent flows
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg
February 7 (2013)
Metapopulation dynamics
Fourth Swedish meeting on Mathematics in Biology, University of Lund
December 11 (2012)
Turbulent aerosols: clustering, caustics, and collisions
Department of Astronomy, University of Lund
December 10 (2012)
Evolutionary branching in a stochastic population model with discrete mutational steps
Linnaeus Centre of Excellence CeMEB at Gothenburg University
October 10 (2012)
Metapopulation dynamics on the brink of extinction
Gothenburg Systems Biology Centre
September 30 (2012)
Caustics and collisions in turbulent aerosols
NCAR workshop Multiphase Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Ocean
Boulder, Colorado, USA
August 17 (2012)
Caustics and collision velocities in turbulent aerosols
Conference Particles in complex flows
Reykjavik, Iceland
June 25 (2012)
Clustering, caustics & collisions of inertial particles in turbulent flows
Conference Particles in Turbulence, Leiden
May 16 (2012)
Relative velocities of inertial particles in turbulent flows
Conference Particles in Turbulence, Leiden
May 15 (2012)
Clustering of inertial particles in turbulent flows
Workshop New directions in turbulence theory
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics Beijing
April (2012)
Evolutionary branching in a stochastic population model
Conference Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
NORDITA Stockholm
March (2012)
Metapopulation dynamics on the brink of extinction
Biomathematics seminar, Mathematical Sciences Chalmers/GU, Gothenburg
February 21 (2012)
Metapopulation dynamics on the brink of extinction
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
January 20 (2012)
Metapopulation dynamics on the brink of extinction
Third Swedish meeting on mathematics in biology
University of Umeå
December 15 (2011)
Metapopulation dynamics
Conference Foundations and applications of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
NORDITA, Stockholm
October 12 (2011)
Turbulent aerosols - talk and discussion
NORDITA, Stockholm
October 5 (2011)
Metapopulation Dynamics
Conference Mind the gap 3: experimental evolution and complex adaptations
University of Cologne
September 26 (2011)
Ergodic and non-ergodic clustering of particles in turbulent flows
Dynamics Days 2011, Oldenburg, Germany
September (2011)
Distribution of relative velocities in turbulent aerosols
EAC 2011, European Aerosol Conference
Manchester, England
September 6 (2011)
Distribution of relative velocities in turbulent aerosols
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, USA
May (2011)
Genetic variation in populations with demographic structure
Workshop: Mathematical science for biological systems
KVA, Stockholm
April 16 (2011)
Poincaré indices of rheoscopic visualisations
513th EUROMECH Colloquium on Dynamics of non-spherical particles, Udine, Italy
April 8 (2011)
Distribution of relative velocities in turbulent aerosols
Conference Particles in Turbulence, Potsdam, Germany
March 17 (2011)
Linkage disequilibrium in populations of variable size
Workshop: Microbial and viral evolution, KITP Santa Barbara
March 7 (2011)
Distribution of relative velocities in turbulent aerosols
Discussion on particles in flows (with J. Bec)
Workshop: The nature of turbulence, KITP Santa Barbara
March 2 (2011)
Computer simulation of gene-genealogical models
5th Monte-Carlo Workshop
Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
January 14 (2011)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
Turbulence Seminar, Imperial College, London (UK)
November 26 (2010)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)
November 19 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in populations of variable size
Probability and statistics seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Uppsala
November 11 (2010)
Turbulent aerosols
Physikalisches Kolloquium, University of Freiburg (Germany)
October 25 (2010)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
MPIDS Kolloquium, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Selforganisation, Göttingen (Germany)
October 20 (2010)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
Kölner Theoretisch-Physikalisches Kolloquium, University of Cologne (Germany)
October 15 (2010)
Generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes
Meeting of the Mathematical-Physics Section of the Swedish Physical Society in Karlstad
Oct 7 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in populations of changing size
Pre-Nordforsk Meeting on Mathematical Biology, Tjärnö
September 29 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in a changing environment
Computational Biology and Biological Physics, Lund University
September 20 (2010)
Clustering, caustics & collisions of particles in turbulent flows
ASME 2010 joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Montreal, Canada
August 3 (2010)
Clustering of inertial particles suspended in mixing random flows
Dynamics Days South America, San José dos Campos, Brazil
July 29 (2010)
Dynamics, clustering & collisions of inertial particles in mixing flows
Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics - DSFD 2010, Rome, Italy
July 7 (2010)
Clustering, caustics, and collisions in turbulent aerosols
Department of Mathematics, University of Uppsala
April 23 (2010)
Particles in Turbulence: Clustering, Caustics, and Collisions
NORDITA conference on Statistical Physics, Stockholm
March 19 (2010)
Fingerprints of random flows
MECO 35, Pont-à-Mousson, France
March 16 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in a changing environment
Open Statistical Physics, Milton Keynes, UK
March 8 (2010)
Particles in Turbulence: Clustering, Caustics, and Collisions
Fluid Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology
Jan 28 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in a changing environment
Warwick Systems Biology Centre, Warwick University (UK)
Jan. 26 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in a changing environment
joint seminar with Serik Sagitov at Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers & University of Gothenburg
Jan. 21 (2010)
Statistics of genetic variation in a changing environment
First Swedish meeting on Theory and Mathematics in Biology and Medicine
Uppsala University
Dec. 18 (2009)
Fingerprints of random flows
Workshop Particles in Turbulence, Nice, France
Dec. 3 (2009)
Collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
Dynamics Days Europe 2009
Göttingen, Germany
Sept. 3 (2009)
Collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
Albanova and Nordita Colloquium, Stockholm
June 4 (2009)
Particles in Turbulence: Clustering, Caustics, and Collisions
Theoretical Physics Seminar,
Theoretical Physics, Oxford University
May 28 (2009)
Particles in Turbulence: Clustering, Caustics, and Collisions
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Snowbird, Utah, USA
May 20 (2009)
Relative speeds of inertial particles at high Stokes numbers
Conference Solving the Riddle of Turbulence - What, Why, and How
Göttingen, Germany
May 6 (2009)
Fingerprints of random flows
Institut des Systèmes Complexes
École Polytechnique, Paris
April 6 (2009)
A model for genetic hitch-hiking
Colloquium Department of Physics,
UNAM Cuernavaca, Mexico
March 10 (2009)
Fingerprints of random flows
Symposion Penetrating Physics by Random Matrices
in honour of Hans A. Weidenmüller
CIC Cuernavaca, Mexico
March 6 (2009)
Two lectures on random walks and diffusion
SOCRATES Winter School on Chaotic Systems
Maribor, Slovenia
Feb. 23 and 24 (2009)
Dynamics of particles suspended in random and turbulent flows
International school and workshop: Dynamics of inertial particles: from ocean and atmosphere to planets,
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
September 24 (2008)
Particles suspended in turbulence: clustering, caustics and collisions at small Kubo number
International school and workshop: Dynamics of inertial particles: from ocean and atmosphere to planets,
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
September 15 (2008)
Clustering of inertial particles in turbulent flows
International school and workshop: Dynamics of inertial particles: from ocean and atmosphere to planets,
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
September 12 (2008)
Collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
Workshop Nucleation of inorganic atmospheric clusters and particles
University of Gothenburg
August 13 (2008)
Random fragmentation and coalescence
NORDITA conference on physics of distributed information systems
May 16 (2008)
Turbulent rain clouds: sudden downpours demystified?
Department of Physics Colloquium
University of Oslo
May 8 (2008)
Clustering and collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
IFP Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)
April 3 (2008)
Turbulent aerosols
Technical University Darmstadt
April 1 (2008)
Turbulent aerosols
Faculty of Science Research Day, University of Gothenburg
February 7 (2008)
Clustering and collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
Physikalisches Instiut, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
January 30 (2008)
Clustering and collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
Colloquium in Theoretical Physics, Lunds Tekniska Högskola
January 25 (2008)
Clustering and collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows
Mechanical Engineering, KTH, Stockholm
January 22 (2008)
Caustics, clustering & collisions of particles in turbulent flows
IHP Trimester on Statistical Physics out of Equilibrium
Centre Emile Borel, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France
November 27 (2007)
Caustics, clustering & colliions of particles in turbulent flows
Sektionsmöte Matematisk Fysik, Fysikdagarna 2007
Uppsala University, Sweden
October 30 (2007)
Particles suspended in turbulent flows
Mathematical Physics Seminar
, Department of Mathematics, Helsinki University
October 11 (2007)
Caustics, clustering & colliions of particles in random flows
200 years of Condensed Matter Physics in Gothenburg
Hindåsgården, Sweden
September 1 (2007)
NTZ Kolloquium
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig
June 28 (2007)
Seminar Theorie Ungeordneter Systeme
Technical University Chemnitz
June 27 (2007)
An accurate model for genetic hitch-hiking
Workshop Stochastic approaches to evolution
Mathematical Sciences, Göteborg
May 30 (2007)
Complex Systems Seminar
University of Warwick
May 22 (2007)
Turbulent aerosols
Seminar, Department of Physics
University of Kaiserslautern
May 5 (2007)
Advective collisions
Kinetics Seminar, Mathematical Sciences, Göteborg
March 8 (2007)
Theoretical Physics Seminar
Institute for Theoretical Physics & Astrophysics, University of Kiel
January 16 (2007)
Lyapunov exponents for inertial particles in random flows
Workshop Stochastic models for turbulent suspensions of inertial particles
Observatoire de Nice, November 8-10 (2006)
Clustering and collisions of inertial particles in turbulent flows
Workshop Nanoparticles in interactive environments
Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden, Oct. 25-26 (2006)
Caustic activation of rain showers
Conference Quantum Mechanics and Chaos 2006
University of Osaka, Japan , September 19 - 21 (2006)
Dynamics of inertial particles in random flows
Kinetics Seminar, Mathematical Sciences, Göteborg
September 15 (2006)
Caustic activation of rain showers
Symposion Wanderings in Classical and Quantum Chaos
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 29-30 June (2006)
Caustics in turbulent aerosols
Symposion Trends in Condensed Matter Physics
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany,
April 5 - 7 (2006)
Clustering and collisions of small particles suspended in turbulent flows
Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO 31) 2006
Primosten, Croatia, 23-26 April (2006)
Semilinear Response
Second NordForsk Network Meeting on Low-Dimensional Physics
University of Oslo, Norway, November 17-19 (2005)
Aggregation of inertial particles in random flows
Summer school Let's face Chaos
Maribor, Slovenia, 26 June - 10 July (2005)
Clustering in mixing flows
Workshop Complex Systems under the Midnight Sun
Tromsoe, Norway, 27 - 30 June (2005)
Clustering in mixing flows
First NordForsk Network Meeting on Low-Dimensional Physics
NORDITA, Copenhagen, June 13 - 15 (2005)
Caustics in turbulent aerosols
Fuenftes Dresdner Herbstseminar des Arbeitskreises Nichtlineare Physik: Fluiddynamik
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, Nov. 8 - 12 (2004)
Caustics in turbulent aerosols
NORDITA workshop on statistical physics, soft matter, and biological physics
NORDITA, Copenhagen
August 28 - 31 (2004)
Liapunov Spectrum of Inertial Particles in Turbulent Flows
Symposion Quantum Chaos in the 21st Century
Centro de Ciencias Fisicas, UNAM Cuernavaca, Mexico
August 16 - 20 (2004)
Gene-history correlations and statistical properties of SNPs in the Human Genome
Workshop Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory
Cuernavaca, Mexico
August 1 - 31 (2004)