Worksession on non-Hermitian random matrices
within the workshop
Anderson Localisation, Quantum Chaos and Random Matrices:
Rigorous Methods vs Physical Intuition
24-28 September 2001, Trieste
Organisers: Fritz Haake and Werner Kirsch
a worksession on Non-Hermitian Random Matrices is held, organised by Bernhard Mehlig.
Topics of interest for this worksession are:
• Random scattering, resonance and delay-time statistics, Petermann factor
• Nonnormal operators in hydrodynamics and turbulence
• Subunitary matrices, Frobenius-Perron resonances
The aim of this worksession is to report on recent progress concerning the above-mentioned topics (and possibly others) and to identify open problems and new research directions in the field. The worksession will consist of five brief expositions of recent work, open problems or interesting questions in the above areas, followed by a discussion.
The following colleagues have agreed to summarize their interests and to discuss new perspectives:
Bruno Eckhardt (Marburg, Germany)
Resonances in Quantum Chaotic Scattering: a Random Matrix Approach
Fyodorov (London, UK)
Properties of the Frobenius-Perron operator for kicked chaotic systems
Fritz Haake (Essen, Germany)
Statistics of the Petermann factor in chaotic cavities
Henning Schomerus (Dresden, Germany)
Spectra of random truncated or almost unitary matrices
Hans-Jürgen Sommers (Essen, Germany)
Please contact Bernhard Mehlig if you would like to raise topics related to non-Hermitian matrices which are not listed above.